Deutsche Bann – conference & teambuilding

Teambuilding og conference in Woodlands

In 2014 we sent 25 of Deutsche Bann’s employees to an alternative conference in Woodlands, Sweden. They were there for three days. The participants heard different lectures and also got a surprise when they learned they were going on a full-day treasure hunt. Here they were divided into groups and came out to a lot of different items, where collaboration was a must and where they eg. had to build rafts, guess quizzes, go through “minefields” and much more.

Sundberg Production was responsible for the entire event, from choosing the perfect place in Sweden, to planning various activities.

A conference that was conducted with great success and with a very satisfied customer.

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AbbVie – American Diner


AbbVie’s employees got a great night when we turned their canteen into a classic American Diner from the 50’s. The theme was super accomplished with checkered floors, neon lights, dressed up staff and 50’s inspired live dance shows. A different and fun way to keep the annual Christmas party. Sundberg Production was responsible for the entire event – both planning and settlement.

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Bech Bruun – party

Partner arrangement for law firm

The law firm Bech Bruun held an extravagant, James Bond inspired company party for the partners in the company in a private mansion. We stood for the entire idea presentation and the actual execution of the event. 100 happy and satisfied guests got an exclusive evening with champagne, cigar rolls, casino, sports cars and much more.

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